IMI-Aktuell 2019/525


von: 6. September 2019


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Über JEDI, den Pentagon-Cloud-Auftrag im Umfang von etwa 10 Mrd. Dollar, ist ausführlich berichtet worden (siehe IMI-Aktuell 2019/413). Wenig beachtet wurde die Ende August erfolgte Vergabe eines weiteren Auftrags im Umfang von 7,6 Mrd. Dollar, über den die federaltimes schreibt: „The Pentagon awarded a 10-year, $7.6 billion cloud contract Aug. 29: the Defense Enterprise Office Solutions (DEOS), a huge contract that hasn’t attracted the attention of the DoD’s far more controversial procurement, known as JEDI. DEOS was awarded to CSRA, an IT solutions and services company, and its contractors Dell and Minburn Technology. […] The DEOS contract will provide “productivity tools,” such as filing sharing, email and spreadsheets. The services replace legacy office applications and will provide the DoD with a ‘standard cloud-based solution across all military services,’ according to the news release.” (jw)