IMI-Aktuell 2019/335

Osteuropa: Stationierungsspirale

von: 12. Juni 2019


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Die US-Pläne zur Stationierung von Truppen in Polen – nach aktuellen Plänen sollen wohl zusätzlich 1.000 verlegt werden – könnten laut “Strategic Forecast“ (via Bpb-Newsletter) zur Stationierung russischer Truppen in Weißrussland führen: „despite Belarus‘ strong military ties with Russia, Minsk has so far resisted the idea of opening a Russian military base on its territory. (…) a new U.S. foothold in Poland could very well change Belarus‘ considerations. Such a military presence would be close to Belarus‘ borders, posing a more direct threat to the country. Indeed, in late 2018, Lukashenko warned Polish Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz that Belarus and Russia would ‚have to respond‘ to Warsaw’s proposed U.S. base, adding that the two countries ‚would be forced to deploy something‘ to counter Warsaw and Washington.“ (jw)