IMI-Aktuell 2018/180

Syrien: US-Abzug?

von: 3. April 2018


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Als US-Präsident Donald Trump vorige Woche ankündigte, die US-Truppen würden in Kürze aus Syrien abgezogen, war unklar, ob es sich dabei um mehr als um heiße Luft gehandelt hatte. Im Washington Examiner heißt es nun, der Abzug werde tatsächlich anvisiert: „When President Trump announced last week, almost as an aside, that the U.S. would be leaving Syria ‚very soon,‘ many — including some of his own top advisers — wondered what he meant. It turns out that what he meant was pretty much what he said. Trump is of a mind to pull U.S. troops out of Syria ‚very soon,‘ and in his words, ‚let the other people take care of it.'“ (jw)