IMI-Aktuell 2017/582

ANSF: Teuer

von: 22. September 2017


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Der Aufbau der afghanischen Sicherheitskräfte (ANSF) hat laut dem neuesten Bericht des „Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction“ (SIGAR) 60 Prozent oder 74 Mrd. Dollar (inkl. 2017) aller für Afghanistan vorgesehenen US-Ausgaben verschlungen: „Since 2002, the ANDSF has been raised, trained, equipped, and deployed to secure Afghanistan from internal and external threats, as well as to prevent the reestablishment of terrorist safe havens. To achieve this, the United States devoted over $70 billion (60 percent) of its Afghanistan reconstruction funds to building the ANDSF through 2016, and continues to commit over $4 billion per year to that effort.“ (jw)