Als eine der wenigen „erfolgreichen“ humanitären Interventionen gilt der Militäreinsatz in Ost-Timor 1999. In der aktuellen International Peacekeeping wird dagegen argumentiert, die Militärintervention sei nicht der Grund für das Ende der Menschenrechtsverletzungen gewesen – die Autoren leiten daraus generell ab, Militär sei hierfür nicht das geeignete Mittel: „By combining existing but under-explored data on mass atrocities with eye-witness accounts, new key informant interviews, and a detailed review of secondary sources, we demonstrate that the wave of militia-perpetrated violence in September 1999 was extinguished prior to the arrival of international military forces. We demonstrate the unique effect of national political factors, when combined with the pressures of international diplomacy, which combined to end mass atrocities in this particular case. […] Through our new empirical analysis, and the alternative explanation we present to explain endings of mass atrocities in this case, we challenge the tendency to focus on international military intervention as the means by which mass atrocities come to an end.” (jw)