Die waffenfähige Eurodrohne (MALE RPAS) ist eines der wichtigstes EU-Rüstungsvorhaben (siehe IMI-Studie 2016/01). Leider scheint das Vorhaben nun eine wichtige Hürde genommen zu haben, da die Preisvorstellungen der Hersteller und der Bestellerländer lange weit auseinanderlagen. Laut defensetalk.com scheint es nun aber zu einer Einigung gekommen zu sein: „France is confident that a deal on developing a joint European military drone project will be signed this year, after the conclusion of tough price negotiations with manufacturers, the defence ministry said Wednesday. […] The four governments have set a budget of 7.1 billion euros ($8.4 billion) to acquire 63 Eurodrones, spread over three operating systems. […] The goal is to have each drone cost around 160 million euros, well below the 200 million euros per Reaper, with each flight-hour costing 3,000 euros instead of 4,000 for the US rival. […] If it goes ahead this year, the first Eurodrone system would be delivered to Germany in 2027, and to France in 2028.” (jw)