Zur Unterstützung der „Opposition“ wollen die USA 40 Mio. Dollar an Hilfsgelder umleiten, berichtet die LA Times (via Bpb-Newsletter): „“The Trump administration plans to divert more than $40 million in humanitarian aid from Central America to the U.S.-backed opposition in Venezuela, according to an internal memo and interviews. (…) All of the money being diverted will go to Guaido and his faction, the memo said, to pay for their salaries, airfare, ‚good governance‘ training, propaganda, technical assistance for holding elections and other ‚democracy-building‘ projects. The $41.9 million had been destined for Guatemala and Honduras, two of three countries in Central America’s so-called Northern Triangle, an impoverished and violence-ridden region that accounts for the majority of migrants now fleeing to the United States.“ (jw)