Die Webseite corporalfrisk.com berichtet über die schwedische Aufstellung eines 800 Mann starken amphibischen Kampfverbandes, der explizit mit der russischen Präsenz ind er Ostsee begründet wird: „‘Be there early and stay‘.That is what the Swedish Navy strives to do. With the Baltic Sea becoming busier and busier […]. Another hot topic is the creation of a second amphibious regiment, i.e. marines. While the current Amf 1 is something of a “and the kitchen sink” unit which include several support functions which belonged to earlier iterations of the Coastal Artillery/Amphibious Corps, the new unit will be a fighting unit, centered around marine infantry and aimed towards high-end combat. As such, it will also be smaller, numbering around 800 personnel compared to the 1,200 of Amf 1. This unit will be in place by 2025, and the Navy don’t expect any recruitment issues.” (jw)