IMI-Aktuell 2018/297

EU: Grenzvorverlagerung

von: 25. Mai 2018


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Das Transnational Intitute und Stop Wapenhandel haben eine hervorragende Studie namens „Expanding Fortress Europe“ zur Vorverlagerung der EU-Grenzen veröffentlicht, die primär aus Entwicklungstöpfen zugunsten von Rüstungsfirmen finenziert wird: „What is less well-known is that the same European-made tragedy plays out well beyond our borders in countries as far away as Senegal and Azerbaijan. This is due to another pillar of Europe’s approach to migration, known as border externalisation. […] the vast majority of the 35 countries that the EU prioritises for border externalisation efforts are authoritarian, known for human rights abuses and with poor human development indicators […].The growth in border security spending has benefited a wide range of companies, in particular arms manufacturers and biometric security companies. […] It’s time to change course. Rather than externalising borders and walls, we should be externalising real solidarity and respect for human rights.” (jw)