Noch aus 2017 stammt ein lesenswerter Bericht von Politico (via Bpb-Newsletter) über ein Memo für US-Außenminister Tillerson, demzufolge Menschenrechte instrumentell selektiv bei „Freunden“ ausgeblendet und bei Gegnern als Waffe eingesetzt werden sollten: „The May 17 memo reads like a crash course for a businessman-turned-diplomat, and its conclusion offers a starkly realist vision: that the U.S. should use human rights as a club against its adversaries, like Iran, China and North Korea, while giving a pass to repressive allies like the Philippines, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. ‚Allies should be treated differently — and better — than adversaries. Otherwise, we end up with more adversaries, and fewer allies,‘ argued the memo, written by Tillerson’s influential policy aide, Brian Hook. […] Hook’s memo ‚tells Tillerson that we should do exactly what Russian and Chinese propaganda says we do — use human rights as a weapon to beat up our adversaries while letting ourselves and our allies off the hook,‘ said Tom Malinowski, who served as an assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights and labor in the Obama administration.“ (jw)