IMI-Aktuell 2016/522

Japanisch-russische Annäherung?

von: 6. September 2016


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Bloomberg (via Bpb-Newsletter) berichtet, Japan und Russland stünden kurz davor, den Streit um die Kurilen-Inseln beizulegen, was im Zusammenhang mit den Versuchen einer strategischen Annäherung zu sehen sei: „Russian President Vladimir Putin appears to be more open than ever to a compromise with Japan that would end the two countries‘ post-World War II territorial dispute. Both sides have been making tentative moves toward reconciliation since May, and a deal may finally be in the works after decades of false starts. […] So far, the Kremlin is careful not to sign anything. Putin said in the Bloomberg interview that that would require the same ‚high level of trust‘ that Russia now enjoys with China, and he’s clearly concerned about Japan’s strong ties to the U.S.: He needs to ensure that Abe isn’t simply trying to make a purchase rather than offering becoming the kind of strategic ally Russia needs in the Far East.“ (jw)