Ein lesenswerter Artikel der BBC setzt sich kritisch mit den Überlegungen auseinander, militärische „Lösungen“ im Zusammenhang mit Bootsflüchtlingen im Mittelmeer anzustreben: „Gerry Northwood is the former head of operations for Operation Atalanta, a multi-national force first deployed in December 2008 to stop pirates off the coast of Somalia. He told the BBC that using a military mandate to destroy boats before they leave would have ‘limited value’. Boats are ‘cheap and plentiful’ and easily replaced, he added.” Der Artikel schließt mit Zitaten von John Lee von Open Borders, der auf die eigentlichen Probleme verweist: „The root cause of people getting on rickety boats or paying smugglers in the first place is that they have been legally barred from travelling by any other means […] Ultimately if you prevent broad swathes of people from living in societies governed by safe and sane rule of law, simply because they weren’t lucky enough to be born into those societies, you are going to see civil disobedience to this arbitrary exclusion.“ (jw)