Entgegen ursprünglichen Ankündigungen, das US-Militärbudget im Haushaltsjahr 2020 – nach saftigen steigerungen – absenken zu wollen, scheint Präsident Donald Trump nun doch auf einen weiteren Aufwuchs zu drängen, berichtet Politico: „President Donald Trump has told Defense Secretary Jim Mattis to submit a $750 billion budget proposal for fiscal 2020, in a reversal from his pledge to trim defense spending, two people familiar with the budget negotiations have told POLITICO. […] That would dwarf the $733 billion budget proposal Mattis and other top military leaders have been fighting to preserve and would represent a stunning about-face for a president who recently called the fiscal 2019 top line of $716 billion for defense spending “crazy.” In October, Trump said the defense figure for 2020 would be $700 billion, a roughly 5 percent cut in line with decreases planned for other agencies.“ (jw)