IMI-Aktuell 2016/298

Afghanistan: US-Hilfe

von: 18. Mai 2016


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Ein Bericht des US-Verteidigungsministeriums gibt an, bislang seien 113 Mrd. Dollar an „Hilfe“ für Afghanistan verausgabt worden – allerdings seien 60% davon in den Aufbau von Armee und Polizeit geflossen, schreibt die New York Post: „In a report to Congress, the Defense Department reveals that Washington so far has spent an eye-popping $113.2 billion to rebuild Afghanistan — an amount that, adjusted for inflation, tops by $10 billion the total we committed to rebuilding post-WWII Europe under the Marshall Plan. […] Take security projects and programs, which account for roughly 60% of the $113 billion in Afghan reconstruction funding.“ (jw)