IMI-Aktuell 2019/632

Russland: Kampfdrohnen

von: 4. November 2019


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Dem National Interest zufolge hat Russland die bewaffnete Orion-Drohne zynisch gesagt im Feld in Syrien getestet, bevor sie in Serie geht: „Russia’s Orion drone has completed combat trials in Syria and is now beginning to equip units in Russia for further testing, state media reported on Nov. 1, 2019. […] ‘The Orion drone in its attack configuration can carry up to four missiles, which it successfully test-fired in Syria,’ an unnamed source told TASS. ‘The drone has started arriving for Russian troops for its operational evaluation, after which the command will make a decision on launching it into serial production and accepting it for service.’“ (jw)