Quelle: Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) e.V. - www.imi-online.de

IMI-Aktuell 2022/255

Ukraine: Verhandlungsplädoyer


Der renommierte Politikwissenschaftler Charles Kupchan hält es im Atlantic für einen Fehler, den Krieg in der Ukraine so lange fortsetzen zu wollen, bis die russischen Truppen aus dem Land vertrieben seien: „Several considerations call for such restraint. First, the longer the war continues, the greater the death, destruction, and dislocation it will reap. […] Second is the risk of escalation. If Russian forces fare well in the east and the south, the Kremlin could eventually decide to enlarge its own war aims and seek to swallow more of Ukraine. Alternatively, if Russian forces falter in the coming weeks and Vladimir Putin faces a further defeat, he could well look to use weapons of mass destruction, or to trigger a wider conflict to change the course of the war. […] Third, even though the West has demonstrated impressive unity in supporting Ukraine and standing up to Russian aggression, the West’s solidarity may wane over time. […] Finally, the West needs to begin looking beyond the war to salvage a relationship with Russia that keeps the door open to a modicum of collaboration.“ (jw)


Quelle: Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) e.V. - www.imi-online.de