IMI-Aktuell 2021/190
US-Militärhaushalt: Unverändert hoch
In der New York Times wird kritisiert, dass die neue US-Regierung keine Einschnitte beim Militärhaushalt zu beabsichtigen scheint und weist dabei auf die engen Verbindungen zur Rüstungslobby in: „Early reporting suggests that his administration’s first budget, which is expected later this spring, may not reduce military spending at all. That’s particularly remarkable given that, according to the Center for International Policy, today’s military budget, adjusted for inflation, is far higher than the post-World War II average. […] As Mandy Smithberger at the Project on Government Oversight has noted, more than a dozen members of the Biden administration — including his top Asia adviser at the National Security Council and the official leading the Pentagon’s China strategy review — have ties to the Center for a New American Security, which according to a report by the Center for International Policy received more funding from defense contractors between 2014 and 2019 than any other think tank the group analyzed.“ (jw)