IMI-Aktuell 2021/166
USA: Küstenwache
Breakingdefense berichtet über eine zunehmende Rolle der US-Küstenwache, insbesondere in der Arktis und in Ostasien: „The Coast Guard is charting a path to be more engaged everywhere from the Middle East to the Arctic, dispatching attachés to embassies in Europe and the Indo-Pacific and sending more ships on long deployments to take some of the workload off the Navy. […] ‘I see these strategically placed Coast Guardsmen making a big impact with our global maritime partners’ [Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Karl] Schultz said. ‘This is part of our effort to increase our footprint in the Indo-Pacific, doubling-down on operations and engagements with like-minded island nations and Quadrilateral Security Dialogue partners.’” (jw)