IMI-Aktuell 2020/722
MGCS: Konkurrenz (II)
Die Weigerung Deutschlands und Frankreichs, beim Design des von ihnen geplanten künftigen neuen Kampfpanzer (Main Ground Combat System, MGCS) anderen Staaten frühzeitig ein Mitspracherecht zu geben, scheint ihnen nun auf die Füße zu fallen. Nachdem schon früher berichtet wurde, Italien erwäge ein Konkurrenzprodukt (siehe IMI-Aktuell 2020/714) finden sich nun auf der polnischen Seite defence24 weitere Details – neu ist zB die Information, dass auch Spanien hier umworben wird: „The Italian authorities have created a proposal for Poland and other states, including Spain, to jointly pursue a new generation MBT programme. […] Currently, we already know that proposal as such has been submitted at the governmental level. Spain is another state that is being considered within the context of the Italian MBT-related collaboration. has found out that the Spanish military attache contacted Poland to carry out a preliminary review of the Italian proposal. […] It shall be recalled that both Poland, as well as Italy, wanted to become a part of the Main Ground Combat System (MGCS) new generation MBT programme pursued by Germany (leader) and France. So far, these efforts have not had a tangible result.” (jw)