IMI-Aktuell 2020/661
Indo-Pazifik: Armdrücken
Das Armdrücken um Eiflussgewinne im Indo-Pazifik geht weiter. Nachdem sich die USA die Rechte für eine Militärbasis in Palau sicherten (siehe IMI-Aktuell 2020/589), scheint China einem Bericht der Asia Times zufolge in Kambodscha an Boden gewonnen zu haben: „The Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (AMTI) and Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) released a report on October 2 detailing the apparent demolition of a US-funded and constructed naval facility at Cambodia’s Ream Naval Base. […] It also comes amid reports that China has secured a 30-year lease of the base, which if true would potentially give China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy a new southern flank in the South China Sea disputes and improve its ability to respond to potential contingencies in the Strait of Malacca, through which an estimated 80% of China’s fuel imports travel.” (jw)