IMI-Aktuell 2020/525
US-Waffenverkäufe: Show must go on!
Um einem Nachfrageeinbruch bei US-Waffenverkäufen vorzubeugen, werden in den USA gerade allerlei Unterstützungsmaßnahmen für interessierte Käufer erwogen, berichtet „The United States is developing new options for arms customers as a way to ensure allies and partners don’t drop planned procurements as the world economy remains in shock from the impacts of COVID 19. Among the options, according to outgoing Defense Security Cooperation Agency head Lt. Gen. Charles Hooper, are allowing foreign countries to finance arms procurement through U.S. bank loans and altering existing payment schedules to stretch the costs over time. […] Those options include delaying payments on planned procurements to future years, creating new payment plans for ongoing procurement efforts, and returning funds currently on deposit with the United States to the customer nations as well as new financing strategies.” (jw)