IMI-Aktuell 2020/058
Defensenews berichtet, die Regierung arbeite an einem Gesetz, das es ihr künftig ermögliche, Rüstungsaufträge in Schlüsselbereichen entgegen dem EU-Vergaberecht erst gar nicht mehr europaweit auszuschreiben, sondern nur national zu vergeben: „As drafted, the multi-ministry policy would establish the construction of surface ships as a key technology area in Germany’s security-industry fabric. The designation means Berlin may seek an exception from certain European Union acquisition regulations. Chief among those is a requirement to compete national programs across the bloc, which was the case with the large-frigate-style MKS 180 ships. […] The document is still stuck in the interagency review process, which is more comprehensive this time around because the new version combines defense and civilian aspects for the first time, a spokeswoman for the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy told Defense News.“ (jw)