IMI-Aktuell 2019/714
Syrien: OBOR
Das Neue Seidenstraßenprojekt (OBOR) mit seinen milliardenschweren Investitionen gilt als das wichtigste chinesische geopolitische Vorhaben der heutigen Zeit. Laut den „Belt and Road News“ soll Syrien nun Interesse bekundet haben, ebenfalls in diesem Rahmen zum Ziel chinesischer Investitionen zu werden: „Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has recently said the Belt & Road Initiative proposed by China is suitable for the 21st Century and an approach built on parity. […]Assad said Syria has started this year a serious dialogue with China on how Syria can become part of the project. He said the discussions have recently started concerning the infrastructure, which is one of the most important elements and could make Syria a part of the BRI in the future.” (jw)