IMI-Aktuell 2018/558
INF-Vertrag: US-Angriff?
Russland und die USA beschuldigen sich gegenseitig, den INF-Vertrag zum Verbot atomarer Mittelstreckenraketen zu verletzen. Augengeradeaus weist in diesem Zusammenhang auf Aussagen der US-Botschafterin bei der NATO, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, hin, die angedroht hat, russische Raketen ggf. präventiv zu zerstören. Dazu wird aus einer Reuters-Meldung zitiert: „The United States believes Russia is developing a ground-launched system in breach of a Cold War treaty that could allow Russia to launch a nuclear strike on Europe at short notice, but Moscow has consistently denied any such violation. U.S. ambassador to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison said Washington remained committed to a diplomat solution but was prepared to consider a military strike if Russian development of the medium-range system continued. (…) ‚Counter measures (by the United States) would be to take out the missiles that are in development by Russia in violation of the treaty,‘ she added. ‚They are on notice.‘” (jw)