IMI-Aktuell 2018/524
EU-Ausgaben: Steigend
Die EU-Verteidigungsagentur hat ihre neuesten Zahlen zu den EU-Rüstungsausgaben veröffentlicht. Ihnen zufolge stiegen diese von 205 Mrd. Euro (2016) auf 214 Mrd. Euro (2017) an: „In 2016, the 27 EDA MS collectively spent €205 billion (current prices) on defence – €15 billion or 7,9% more than in 2013. In real terms, 2016 total defence expenditure amounted to €189 billion, representing an increase of €6,7 billion or 3,7%, compared to 2013. According to estimated figures, defence spending continued to grow in 2017 (+4,2%) almost at the same speed as in 2015 (+4,7%), reaching €214 billion in current prices or €198 billion in constant 2010 prices.” (jw)