IMI-Aktuell 2017/540

Nordkorea: Resultat

von: 6. September 2017


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Im Guardian(via Bpb-Newsletter) wird völlig zu Recht darauf hingewiesen, dass die Konflikte um die Atomwaffenprogramme diverser „kleinerer“ Staaten nicht unwesentlich das Resultat dessen sind, dass die Atommächte ihren Verpflichtungen aus dem Atomwaffensperrvertrag nicht nachgekommen sind – und dies wohl auch nie bebasichtigt hatten: „To work fully, the NPT relies on keeping a crucial bargain: non-nuclear-armed states agree never to acquire the weapons, while nuclear-armed states agree to share the benefits of peaceful nuclear technology and pursue nuclear disarmament with the ultimate aim of eliminating them. This, in effect, was the guarantee offered to vulnerable, insecure outlier states such as North Korea. The guarantee was a dud, however, and the bargain has never been truly honoured. Rather than reducing their nuclear arsenals, the US, Russia and China have modernised and expanded them.” (jw)