IMI-Aktuell 2017/297
Trump: Anti-russisches Zeugnis
Ted Bromund von der extrem russlandfeindlichen Heritage Foundation ist nicht der Ansicht, dass die neue US-Regierung unter Donald Trump einen sonderlich russlandfreundlichen Kurs eingeschlagen hätte, auch wenn dies von Kritikern ständig behauptet würde. Im Gegenteil stellt er der Regierung für ihre diesbezügliche Politik im Daily Signal ein „gutes“ Zeugnis aus: „If the Trump administration is supposed to be colluding with the Russians, they’re doing a terrible job of it. They’ve opposed Russia in Europe, Afghanistan, Georgia, and Syria, while trying—and this is where the Oval Office meeting comes in—to get Moscow to oppose ISIS. Trump’s effort to win over the Russians testifies to the emphasis the administration is placing on the war against the Islamists. That effort isn’t going to go anywhere: The Russians will play their own game in the Middle East. I wish the Trump administration would recognize this. But I’d rather have an administration that tries to cooperate with the Russians on ISIS alone than one—like Obama’s—which tries to cooperate with them everywhere.“ (jw)