IMI-Aktuell 2016/439
TPP: US-Vormacht
Mehr oder weniger direkt räumt Robert Manning vom Atlantic Council im Interview ein, dass es beim Transpazifischen Partnerschaftsabkommen, TPP, dem Gegenstück zur Transatlantischen Handels- und Investitionspartnerschaft, TTIP, um den Ausschluss Chinas und die Sicherung der US-Vormachtstellung dreht: “A failure to ratify TPP would mark an inflection point for the US role in Asia […] It would cede the playing field to China, which is pursuing a regional agreement—the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)—with far lower standards […] There is a danger that if US economic involvement in Asia diminishes, the demonstrable benefits of the US strategic role in Asia will diminish and with it, the public’s and Congress’ support for a predominant US security role.” (jw)