IMI-Aktuell 2016/117
Libyen: Hillarys Krieg (II)
Dass der desaströse Libyen-Krieg maßgeblich auf die Kappe der möglichen demokratischen Präsidentschaftskandidatin Hillary Clinton geht, ist schon länger bekannt (siehe IMI-Aktuell 2016/013). Wie entscheidend die damalige US-Außenministerin dabei war, geht aus einer vor wenigen Tagen veröffentlichten email ihrer ehemaligen Angestellten, der humanitären Interventionistin Anne-Marie Slaughter, die Clinton dazu gratuliert, einen widerwilligen Barack Obama zum Angriff überzeug zu haben. schreibt dazu: „In an email with the subject ‚bravo!‘ sent on March 19, 2011–the day the United States and its allies began bombing Libya – Clinton confidant and former employee Anne-Marie Slaughter appears to praise then-Secretary of State Clinton for convincing a reluctant President Obama to take military action in Libya. ‚I cannot imagine how exhausted you must be after this week, but I have NEVER been prouder of having worked for you,‘ writes Slaughter, who worked as an advisor to Clinton in the State Department from 2009 to February 3, 2011, and then remained a consultant to the policy planning bureau. ‚Turning POTUS around on this is a major win for everything we have worked for.‘ An earlier email release, which I reported on previously, showed that Slaughter had spent February 2011 imploring Clinton to involve the United States militarily in Libya, insisting that it would ‚change the image of the United States overnight.’” (jw)