Quelle: Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) e.V. - www.imi-online.de

IMI-Aktuell 2016/108

Irak: Mehr Söldner


Defense One berichtet unter Berufung auf Pentagon-Quellen, die Zahl an Mitarbeitern Privater Militärfirmen, die für das Verteidigungsministerium im Irak arbeiten, sei in kurzer Zeit um das Achtfache gestiegen: „The number of private contractors working for the U.S. Defense Department in Iraq grew eight-fold over the past year, a rate that far outpaces the growing number of American troops training and advising Iraqi soldiers battling Islamic State militants. […] As of January, 2,028 contractors were in Iraq, up from just 250 one year earlier, according to the Pentagon’s data. There are roughly 3,700 American troops there now, compared to 2,300 in January 2015.” (jw)


Quelle: Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) e.V. - www.imi-online.de