IMI-Aktuell 2015/214
Ukraine: Vorschläge für die Wirtschaft
Das „Wiener Institut für Wirtschaftsvergleiche“ und die „Bertelsmann-Stiftung“ haben die Studie „How to stabilise the economy of Ukraine“. Sie wartet mit bemerkenswerten Vorschlägen auf, wie es in dem Land wirtschaftlich wieder bergauf gehen könnte:
“Encourage the Ukrainian government to shift spending priorities from the military to more socially-oriented spending and higher public investments. Forgive a large part of Ukraine’s foreign debt and allow the Ukrainian National Bank enough foreign exchange reserves to move to a more stable exchange rate regime.”
“Financial and material assistance should be rigidly tied to progress on dismantling the oligarchic interests which have captured the Ukrainian state.”
“Apart from fostering EU integration, restore, as much as possible, trade linkages with Russia and the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) via trilateral negotiations.” (jw)