IMI-Aktuell 2014/180
CDU und Swoboda
Der Spiegel Online (17.03.2014, via Bpb-Newsletter) veröffentlichte einen (bislang online nicht zugänglichen) Artikel über die faschistische ukrainische Swoboda-Partei, die nun mit in der „Regierung“ sitzt, auf Englisch. Der Artikel führt aus, dass Swoboda Unterstützung seitens der CDU-nahen Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung und der GIZ erhielt: “But the Ukrainian right wing has also received instruction financed by German taxpayers. Party members appeared at events hosted by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, the German political foundation affiliated with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives. Examples include the conference entitled „Lessons from the 2012 Parliamentary Elections,“ the seminar series called ‘The Higher School of Politics’ and a discussion on the 2012 elections. […] Even the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) has supported the party. GIZ oversaw a project for the ‘formation of administrative capacities in the public financing sector.’ Svoboda parliamentarians took part in two trips to Berlin in 2013 in conjunction with the project.” (jw)