IMI-Aktuell 2021/383

PECO: Verzögerung

von: 12. Juli 2021


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Als Kernstück einer sich herausbildenden „Europäischen Verteidigungsunion“ war die „Ständige Strukturierte Zusammenarbeit“ (eng.: PESCO) gedacht (siehe IMI-Studie 2019/6). Allerdings kommt ein Großteil der 46 laufenden PESCO-Projekte laut einem EU-Bericht, der Politico vorliegt, anscheinend nicht richtig voran: „But three and a half years after PESCO was launched to great fanfare by EU leaders, many of the projects are still in their infancy and a significant number are behind schedule, according to the annual report. […]A total of 21 projects are still in the “ideation” phase — in other words, the idea is still being developed. A further 17 are in the “incubation” phase, where the scope of the project is defined. Just eight are in the penultimate phase, execution. None is in the final “closing” phase.” (jw)