Quelle: Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) e.V. - www.imi-online.de

IMI-Aktuell 2020/414

Atomtests: Gegenwind


Die airforcenahe  RAND-Corporation reagiert auf Debatten in der US-Regierung über eine Wiederaufnahme von Atomwaffentests mit einer überaus deutlichen Kritik: „Trump administration officials are reported to have recently discussed conducting a nuclear test, breaking a moratorium the United States has observed since 1992. Such a move is not necessary to ensure the continued reliability of the U.S. nuclear arsenal. It could also increase threats to U.S. and allied security by giving a green light to other countries, including dangerous proliferators, to conduct nuclear tests of their own.” (jw)


Quelle: Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) e.V. - www.imi-online.de