IMI-Aktuell 2020/403

Pacific Deterrence Initiative

von: 13. Juni 2020


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Schon einige Zeit geistert in den USA die Idee durch die Gegend, analog zur gegen Russland gerichteten „European Deterrence Iniatitaive” eine „Pacific Deterrence Initiative“ ins Leben zu rufen (siehe IMI-Aktuell 2020/374). Nun ist das Vorhaben laut defensenews der Realisierung ein erhebliches Stück näher gekommen: “The Senate Armed Services Committee has approved nearly $6 billion for the fund in its version of the annual defense policy bill, the panel announced Thursday. It authorizes $1.4 billion in fiscal 2021, which would be $188.6 million above the administration’s budget request, and $5.5 billion for fiscal 2022. […] ‘The FY21 [National Defense Authorization Act] establishes the Pacific Deterrence Initiative (PDI) to send a strong signal to the Chinese Communist Party that America is deeply committed to defending our interests in the Indo-Pacific’ […] the committee’s summary stated.” (jw)