IMI-Aktuell 2019/065

Mini-Atomwaffen: Produktionsbeginn

von: 29. Januar 2019


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Wie bereits in der Überprüfung der US-Nuklearpolitik gefordert, haben die USA nun dem Guardian zufolge mit der Produktion von „besser“ einsetzbaren Atomwaffen mit geringerer Sprengkraft (mininukes) begonnen: „The US has begun making a new, low-yield nuclear warhead for its Trident missiles that arms control advocates warn could lower the threshold for a nuclear conflict. The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) […] said the first of the new warheads had come off the production line and that it was on schedule to deliver the first batch – an unspecified number referred to as ‚initial operational capability‘ – before the end of September. The new weapon, the W76-2, is a modification of the existing Trident warhead.“ (jw)