IMI-Aktuell 2018/252

Afghanistan: Trauriger Rekord

von: 27. April 2018


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Die Military Times berichtet, in Afghanistan seien im ersten Quartal des Jahres mehr US-Bomben abgeworfen worden als in der Hochphase des Krieges 2011: „U.S. Forces-Afghanistan (USFOR-A) has dropped more munitions in the first three months of this year than during the same time period in 2011 — a time widely considered the height of the war in Afghanistan. […] Numbers released by U.S. Air Forces Central Command document 1,186 munitions expended by aircraft in January, February and March this year. In 2011, during those same months, the military documented 1,083 weapons released. Those weapons releases include both manned and unmanned aircraft.” (jw)