IMI-Aktuell 2016/060

USA: Mehr Ostaufrüstung (2)

von: 3. Februar 2016


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Nachdem Bloomberg schon vor einiger Zeit berichtete, dass die USA massive Aufrüstungspläne samt satter Budgeterhöhungen planen (siehe IMI-Aktuell 2016/029), bringt nun auch die New York Times die Story mit einigen zusätzlichen Details: „The White House plans to pay for the additional weapons and equipment with a budget request of more than $3.4 billion for military spending in Europe in 2017, several officials said Monday, more than quadrupling the current budget of $789 million. The weapons and equipment will be used by American and NATO forces, ensuring that the alliance can maintain a full armored combat brigade in the region at all times. […] ‘This is a really big deal, and the Russians are going to have a cow,’ said Evelyn N. Farkas, who until October was the Pentagon’s top policy official on Russia and Ukraine. ‘It’s a huge sign of commitment to deterring Russia, and to strengthening our alliance and our partnership with countries like Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia.’” (jw)